The final sprint 

Between three countries, airport disasters, sad goodbyes, beautiful visits, frantic packing, lovely gifts, math midterm exams and a mile long to-do list, it really was a marathon done at sprint speed.  Mihir arrived and we went straight to the Chambon’s – the wonderful family I’d met when I’d first got here. We had a lovely…

The end of a micro-era

I walked out from work yesterday and put on my headphones, the air was crisp, my fingers a little cold and my neck a little too warm, and the notes of the song just hit that point and suddenly walking down the street to the metro I was terribly terribly sad. Maybe it’s the lack…

Postcard from Paris

I know the postcards will only reach a few days before I do, but I really wanted to and I FINALLY found postcards I liked.  Very cool ones from Colette actually. So here’s shipping, 9 postcards from Paris! 

Fun week. Hard week. Second last week. 

It’s like the four months went up in vapour. I feel like I should be at the halfway point, not the end point. Where did the days go?  I have a routine now. Friends now. I know the neighbourhood. I made friends with the new shops that opened this week. The girl at Franprix and…

Sun kissed and ridiculously lucky 

Nothing special happened. But I really had just about the nicest days ever. And that’s including all the adventures I’ve gone on about for the past three and something months.  All of Saturday and all of Sunday the sun decided to surprise Paris with an October appearance. And the ledge by my window was a…

Knits and Stockings 

Paris has gotten unexpectedly cool. Even I, who wore dresses through the 15 and 16 degree days, have finally succumbed to jeans boots scarves and coats. The nights go down to 3 and 4 degrees, the mornings are 5-8. It’s better by late afternoon, 12-15 degrees. And then it starts dropping again. The heaters have…

Cultural Game Strong 

I can’t believe I spent nearly three months in Paris and didn’t make the time for these until this weekend.  Saturday I spent the day with my landlord’s eight year old daughter and my landlord’s wife’s friend at Centre Pompidou. It’s funny how that came to be. But anyhow, we caught ‘The Beat Generation’ on…

Math and Madness 

I’ve finally got ten free minutes to sit down and write this post. This one week stretched so far that weekend patromonie seems a month away!  Work has been really busy. I had three biggish projects all with deadline for last evening. Which explains my free time today. But while that was going on I…

Enthusiastic Reporter is Back! 

🤓😎😃😄😊🙂🙃😋🤗 Finally had something exciting again!  I came back from work on Friday and went straight to Musee Mailol on my street, because I’d seen posters from two days ago of an exhibition that opened ‘tout est art?’ By Ben.  I loved it! I wish I had more photos but I just a few like…

A Different Diversity

We’ve all grown up being told that India is one of the most diverse lands on the planet. Indeed I cannot dispute the plethora of languages, landscapes, cuisines, colours, beliefs…our country is a colourful one.  But if you were to walk onto the platform of Dadar station with white skin and blonde hair, there’s no…

How my Address became Home

It’s been more than a week since I checked in, and I’m trying to think back on what happened, only to discover that it’s somewhat a blur of ‘normal’. Even my camera roll is devoid of clues.  Most of my projects were (are) in the wrap up phase. Sent off a dozen or so designs…

How I met France, take 5

I’ve been to Paris four times before. Once as a young girl with family, once as a student with school, once as a student with college, and once as a treat with my brother. I’ve mounted the Eiffel Tower; strolled the Champs Élysées; eaten ‘french’ food; had my portrait done at Montmartre; sat for a…