Friday Free Day

Friday at work started with a second breakfast 

I ate three (three!!) pain au chocolat et une verre de jus. Something was up with my appetite this morning. 

Work was slow in the morning, but time flew fast. Put together designs for a couple packs. Spent a great deal of brain power trying to come up with serious, creative, pharmaceutical product names for sweat control products that spoke of sweat control without those words. 

I got to use my lunch coupons to buy lunch. Best of all though, I participated in parts of the usual high speed French conversation at the terrace lunch table (with a few ‘pardon’s and ‘est-ce que vous pouvez repetez s’il vous plait’s thrown in). Goal is to reach fluency in three months maximum, and participate in conversation fully atleast for one month. 

We spoke about Paris, Bombay, driving, traffic, metros, the monsoon and the sun. Trop inter-cultural non? 

After lunch, sleepiness hit and the clock crawled. I drank a whole cup of black coffee (oui, je suis vraiment Parisienne!). 

I just started working on an interesting new mini brief for the same brand, when Alé, the art director who sits next to me, exclaimed ‘oh la oh la oh la, regarde seize heures trente! Mihika les vendredis nous travaillant jusqu’au quinze heures trente. Tu peux departer’ and she rushed away. 

So here I am on my way home much earlier than expected. 

Mom arrives this evening, and instead of the key I left under my carpet for her to enter the apartment, I’ll be able to open the door! 

Love surprise early offs. And next week is a three day week. Thursday is Bastille day, and they figured Friday should be off to make it a long weekend (hear Yan? Faires ces choses francaise a Mumbai) 

A bientot! 

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