The Part Time Parisien


Just so that any strangers who land on my blog aren’t entirely confused, I’m Mihika – a petite 20 year old graphic design student on a four month internship in Paris.

I landed here early July, and I’ll be hanging around until early November. I’m staying in a cosy little studio apartment in the 7th arrondismemt, and working at a small, friendly, international package design agency called Raison Pure, in the 17th arrondismemt.

Aside from that, I’m also a bit (a lot) of a theoretical math geek, love cooking and baking, infected by the travel bug and think a lot about education.

If you know anything I should know (about Paris, math, coffee or otherwise) or have a thought or two about this blog, let me know!

À tout! Bises, Mihika

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